Friday, August 5, 2011

Tutu Cute

Your nina was thrilled when she found out you were coming. But, the thought of you being a girl was kind of scary to her. She grew up a tom boy. She loved to play the rough and tumble way but that is due to your two uncles. 

The Christmas before you came was full of gifts for you. And it was a total surprise when the gift from your nina was a pink ballerina onsie with a gold tutu. It was the cutest thing ever and the excitement to see you in it was filling my heart with hope.

So the day is here for the photo shoot with you and the tutu. Mind you mommy is doing the photo shoot.

But you know you can't have a shoot without your friend Mookie making an appearance. You two have hit it off. 

She loves torture and you give it to her unknowingly.

But here is the favorite of them all.

You are just Tutu cute.


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