Thursday, December 1, 2011

First day of Christmas

For the first day of Christmas you got your Santa slippers.

They look so cute on your feet.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Thanksgiving Weekend

This year there are many firsts. The holiday season is here and at the start of it is Thanksgiving. Our families like to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. We get to celebrate twice as a matter of fact. Once at Uncle Dave's then we are off to grandma's. I even got you to the turkey and rice dinner so that you could also have a thanksgiving dinner.

But I think that the best part of the holiday season is that we get an extra day with Papa. We at least had one down day with him. 

It was a busy Saturday as we went to two parties that Saturday. One for Auntie Ann's 80th birthday party. 

And we also celebrated a fellow Rainbow's aqeeqa. It is funny how much attention you draw. I'd like to believe it is because everyone can sense how truly special you are.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sweet Mookie

 A fear a parent has is introducing the family pet to the new member of the family. How will that pet react? Will they accept the baby? Will they lash out at the baby? 

This was certainly a fear for me. I know that our cats have always been very kind with visitors. But when it came to kids, Mookie always wanted the attention and Kitty wanted no part of it. The kids always wanted to play but it was too much for them and they just preferred to sleep. 

When we brought you home, the kitties sniffed you and then were fine. I am sure your cries were something they were not used to. But as you grew and made your presence in the house, Mookie became a very good friend to you. She became your pet. I know you won't remember. And you don't realize but Mookie loved you too.


But, Mookie and Kitty are old. She became very ill all of a sudden. And, I am saddened to say that last night your pet, Mookie left us to go join Lukas in the sky. I guess now you each have your pets. Mookie is surely looking for attention up there.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Walking the Dinosaur

Oh baby girl. It is incredible to see yet another beautiful milestone. It excites me to see what you are accomplishing. You just received this toy dinosaur about two and a half months ago. You didn't even pay attention to it when it was out. We have played with it a couple of times to make the music and noises chime. Papa has walked with you and you just weren't ready. And now look at you. You are on your way.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Mommy and Baby Vacation.

It is such a treat to share moments with you. But, this past week and a half has been amazing. I was so excited when Papa suggested that we go visit family in Florida. Although, you have been on a plane. It was a challenge to do it by myself. I don't know why I worry. You were, once again, very good on the plane. 

Oh the weather was perfect in Florida. Getting off the plane and feeling the heat felt nice since it is now getting colder here. 

You are supposed to be in the stranger danger phase and were definitely quiet around Uncle Dan. But, he won you over. You fell in love with your Auntie Carolyn. You share a face with her that since coming home you have not made. She took good care of us while we were under her watch. She took us to Disney and took most of the photos and videos. I am grateful that she loves to take pictures like she does.

I hope the bond continues to grow
And then there is Miss Danielle, your cousin. I remember the day we went to meet her at school. We were picking her up. So we walked with Auntie Carolyn to her class and waited. I saw her at her desk. She turned in our direction so I waved. She waved back or so I thought. She may have waved at Auntie Carolyn because the look of finally realizing it was us when she walked up to us was so cute. She was amazing with you. Although she had tons of homework while we were there. She tried her best to spend some time with you. My favorite day was the day we got to spend with them at Disney. Seeing her joy made me feel happy to be there. The only thing missing was Papa and Uncle Dan. 

Here are a "few" of the memories.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Conversations with Brobee

There is a show that comes on named Yo Gabba Gabba. I looked it up one day after having seen it on a play mat that your cousin, Logan had. The characters are of very bright colors and he liked them. So, why not?

You fell in love with DJ Lance Rock first. 

His "Hello friends!" will catch your attention and make you stop in your tracks no matter what you are doing at the moment.

The characters are a bit out there but if they are singing you are captivated.

 You are now doing the army crawl but have discovered that you can put yourself in a standing position. Although you have yet to discover how to get down from that position. 

You are very playful and mommy arranged your toys as if you were reading to them. One day I am sure you will arrange them yourself.

So Papa on one of his shopping trips came back with a stuffed toy of Brobee.

 Today I caught you today "talking" to Brobee in raspberries. Maybe you were asking him to help you down or maybe complaining to him that I was recording you in your hour of distress instead of helping you. I just thought it was cute.

(Pause music in the right column)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Your First Tooth.

It's been a very trying couple of weeks. Your mood has been up beat but every now and then you become cranky and antsy. We knew it was coming. We were just hoping that it would be soon so that the pain would go away. Your first screams of pain the other night were painful to us as well. Papa asked if this was going to happen every time you got a tooth. We just wanted to comfort you. So off we went at 10:30PM to find you some relief. 

Of course, the car put you to sleep and that was it for the night. The good thing is that now we are better prepared so that you won't be in too much pain.

Mommy keeps inspecting your mouth but you won't let us see anything. Mommy finally felt the tooth that has cut through. You are still refusing to show us. But, today, I caught a glimpse of it. It is a very small glimpse but there it is. Hooray! Your first tooth.

Monday, August 29, 2011


So today we went to the park. It was such a nice sunny day. Rather than spend another day inside, we ventured over to see if I could give you a little fun. 

There weren't many people there. Just a few kids. We still did wait for the swings a bit. Once you were on there, you did enjoy it.

It looks like you were just basking in the sun.

When Papa got home, he brought you a gift from one of his friends. It was such a thoughtful idea. 

Next you opened a gift that you were given over the weekend. 

I know that you just can't wait to use it or maybe eat it.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

She is the first Disney princess to me. She is after all Mickey Mouse's girlfriend. I think she is so cute with her squeaky voice. She call's out "yoo-hoo".

Going to Disney is something I am looking forward to doing one day with you. We can join the family down there and just have a blast. It may be scary for you to meet the characters though. Many kids cry when they are face to face with them. 

You were given a gift from Uncle Dan, Auntie Carolyn and your cousin Danielle. It is a Minnie Mouse dress. And it looks so cute on you.

But I had to hurry and put the dress on you so that you can wear it. You are growing so fast. I have to make sure that you at least get one use of it. This is the first time I didn't have to force you to look at the camera. You will be crawling soon and then pictures will be a challenge.

I remembered that Auntie Carolyn had bought me my own Minnie ears. And of course the ears just add to your cuteness. 

Mookie in the background of course.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

2011 Family Reunion

It is very rare that we all have a chance to get together with all of Papa's family because they are all over the place. You have relatives that live in Washington state, California, Florida, Massachusetts and even Japan to name some of the places.

This year the family reunion was held in Niles, Michigan at Auntie Therese and Uncle Ray's house which gave us an opportunity to go. It turned out to be a very nice day. We had a few showers before and after we arrived to the reunion but while we were there the sun shined brightly and the heat was sweltering. 

You got to meet a lot of the family members that you still haven't met. It was funny to see people by pass me and go straight to you. You were the center of attention. Seeing you being showered with so much love just fills my heart. All I ask is that you be surrounded by the love of your family because as you grow they are will be an important part of who you are. 

It's a good thing that you don't mind the camera anymore because everyone was taking your picture. We are supposed to be getting more pictures that were taken but here are a few. Hopefully I can one day update the slide.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tutu Cute

Your nina was thrilled when she found out you were coming. But, the thought of you being a girl was kind of scary to her. She grew up a tom boy. She loved to play the rough and tumble way but that is due to your two uncles. 

The Christmas before you came was full of gifts for you. And it was a total surprise when the gift from your nina was a pink ballerina onsie with a gold tutu. It was the cutest thing ever and the excitement to see you in it was filling my heart with hope.

So the day is here for the photo shoot with you and the tutu. Mind you mommy is doing the photo shoot.

But you know you can't have a shoot without your friend Mookie making an appearance. You two have hit it off. 

She loves torture and you give it to her unknowingly.

But here is the favorite of them all.

You are just Tutu cute.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Rainbow Baby Blog Rodeo for July 22

Today I am participating in a very cool blog weekly gathering. We update each other with our Rainbows.

This week has been extremely hot to say the least. Everyone everywhere seems to be in extreme heat advisories. So, as a SAHM, I stayed at home as much as I could. I did go out one day for some short errands but oh my goodness it was hot. I felt so bad for you as you still cannot drink water. I kept you cool by rubbing you with a wet towel. You didn't seem to mind.

As for what you are doing this week, well, you have discovered that you are very flexible and can make your feet reach her mouth. So it has been a foot in mouth week. Sometimes it is one and sometimes it is both feet that you are trying to put in your mouth. You could have your pacifier in her mouth and you  still try to insert your foot/feet in there. I think this is a cute stage that babies go through. I remember when your cousin went through this stage. I took a picture of him and of course, I have taken a couple of you. So here are some of you caught in the act.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Foot in Mouth

I have no idea why but momma loves to take pictures of babies with their foot in their mouth. I think it is so cute. I guess because it is a new discovery. So, when momma saw you do this, she just had to take the picture. How could I not?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mommy and Daddy's first movie.

About six years ago, Mommy and Papa sat down and watched the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It started a huge obsession with us. We became instant fans. Mommy read all the books and eventually Papa began to read the series. We went to every movie once they came out and we bought the movies once they came out on DVD. We can't wait for you to experience the Harry Potter series.

The final movie in the series finally had an opening date. I was excited. But, when it was announced I knew you were going to still be little. 

We are so very lucky that your personality is a happy and loving one. Everyone loves to be around you and always offer to babysit. We took the offer of Auntie Joyce. It was a very heart wrenching moment. Even though you are really good, I was still nervous that you would wake up in a "strange" place and not see us there. 

The movie was as good as we had expected and are very eager for the DVD. I will admit that even though I was enjoying the movie, I looked at my watch and phone multiple times just in case there was a call asking how soon we would be home. But when we came back, Auntie Joyce said that you hadn't even noticed we were gone. You hadn't even made a peep. You were just calm the whole time.

There was a visit also from your Floridian family. I only had the chance to take one picture. Hopefully, I can get some from your Auntie Carolyn and update this post. 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

With Wubba's Wings

This is the link to a blog I started for Lukas. I am struggling with the fact that I have not posted much here. I had hoped that, in his name by now, I would have figured out a way to give back, help other parents of loss in the healing process or something. But, I do not give up hope that with our loss, I will one day find my purpose, find my reason for having such an amazing gift from God taken away.

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