Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First Thanksgiving Weekend

This year there are many firsts. The holiday season is here and at the start of it is Thanksgiving. Our families like to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. We get to celebrate twice as a matter of fact. Once at Uncle Dave's then we are off to grandma's. I even got you to the turkey and rice dinner so that you could also have a thanksgiving dinner.

But I think that the best part of the holiday season is that we get an extra day with Papa. We at least had one down day with him. 

It was a busy Saturday as we went to two parties that Saturday. One for Auntie Ann's 80th birthday party. 

And we also celebrated a fellow Rainbow's aqeeqa. It is funny how much attention you draw. I'd like to believe it is because everyone can sense how truly special you are.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sweet Mookie

 A fear a parent has is introducing the family pet to the new member of the family. How will that pet react? Will they accept the baby? Will they lash out at the baby? 

This was certainly a fear for me. I know that our cats have always been very kind with visitors. But when it came to kids, Mookie always wanted the attention and Kitty wanted no part of it. The kids always wanted to play but it was too much for them and they just preferred to sleep. 

When we brought you home, the kitties sniffed you and then were fine. I am sure your cries were something they were not used to. But as you grew and made your presence in the house, Mookie became a very good friend to you. She became your pet. I know you won't remember. And you don't realize but Mookie loved you too.


But, Mookie and Kitty are old. She became very ill all of a sudden. And, I am saddened to say that last night your pet, Mookie left us to go join Lukas in the sky. I guess now you each have your pets. Mookie is surely looking for attention up there.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Walking the Dinosaur

Oh baby girl. It is incredible to see yet another beautiful milestone. It excites me to see what you are accomplishing. You just received this toy dinosaur about two and a half months ago. You didn't even pay attention to it when it was out. We have played with it a couple of times to make the music and noises chime. Papa has walked with you and you just weren't ready. And now look at you. You are on your way.

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