Most people don't know this but Hayden was born with a little nub on her right hand next to her pinky. I found it to be too cute. I would kiss it gently. But, since she was born, all the doctors that saw her would say, "It needs to be removed". It made me sad that each doctor would say this because to me she is perfect, nub and all. It didn't seem to bother her so I felt we didn't need to remove it. But, I set up the appointment anyway back in February. I started to think of a future Hayden. I saw her in school and that one mean kid, because afterall there always is one, who will tease her endlessly about her nub. If I could avoid that kind of pain, I will.
When the doctors originally told us about the removal, they mentioned that it would be tied off. I thought it was odd but OK she won't be in any pain. When I called to make the appointment, I asked them what the procedure was for the removal. They told me that they would put on some numbing cream first. After twenty minutes, they would give her a shot of Lidocaine in that area. Finally, they would go in and cut it out and stitch her up. What?! What happened to just tying it off? I didn't like the sound of that.
When we took Hayden in for her two month check up, her new pediatrician said to make sure that it is cut off as to not leave a smaller nub. At that point, I knew that the cutting of the nub was going to be the procedure and mentioned it. He was satified to hear this.
So, the procedure was scheduled for today. I put on my brave face but inside I was a nervous wreck. A parent NEVER wants to see their child in pain. I was still on the "do we really need to do this/the doctors have said it needs to be removed/is this just for vanity reasons" debate with myself.
The nurse came in to ask us a few questions. And although Hayden had on her pink lined, Daddy's girl bib on, the nurse still referred to Hayden as "him". Her little blue outfit threw it off. I guess I need to buy a blue ribbon for her hair. LOL.
We met with the doctor and she mentioned that for now it may not affect her. As she grew up, she would run into some issues. As people, like to stick our hands in our pockets and that would be where she may run into some issues because she may rub it or get it hooked on a pocket more likely than not. She also mentioned that as she grew so would the nub. That made me feel like this was the right thing to do for her.
She is a very cheerful little girl. Her smiles made the moment light. The nurse came in and she put the numbing cream on. They wrapped it up so she wouldn't shove her hand in her mouth.
And then we just sat there. She did extremely well as 20 minutes is a long time to keep an almost three month old happy. She was a brave little girl when they gave her the lidocaine. No tears. She then fell asleep which I thought was perfect. They would do the procedure as she slept and she would be none the wiser of the whole thing. Not that she will ever remember this when she got older.
They moved us to the room where the procedure would be done. Of course she then woke up and was wide awake. The nurse swaddled her which she never really liked. As soon as she learned to bust out, it was over. But, she didn't really cry the whole time. The doctor did her thing and Hayden just watched. The doctor was very impressed with her. The doctor said we may have a surgeon on our hands since she just laid there and watched. That is just fine with us. We are so proud of our little girl.
Now the nub is gone. I'm a little sad.